Nagios doesn’t start / internal service error / PID unfound

Nagios web-interface can fail to connect to process or to display any content at all. There can be different source of the problem, but the key to solving it:

  1. Checking permissions on the cgi-bin, fcgi-bin folders and scripts inside /nagios path.
  2. Checking Suexec log if you use it (`/var/log/apache2/suexec.log` for example).
  3. Checking access mode on statusjson.cgi and status.cgi

In case it doesn’t help, and nagios simply refuses to start, showing only:

Running configuration check...
Starting nagios:.

You have to manually run configuration check with the -v flag:

/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

If the check is correct, but nags refuses to run, providing no info in {path}/var/nagios.log and not creating {path}/var/nagios.lock, then the problem might be in the device space.

